The Conservative Biden Obsession is Trump Regret

Why are we pretending that conservative attacks on the president are okay?

Mona Marilyn
3 min readAug 15, 2021

I see so many posts from conservatives on social media that Biden is “mentally unfit” to be president. They take out-of-context clips from his speeches and appearances and then pretend that he’s a senile old man.

It’s ridiculous, insulting, and dangerous to the future of America.

But the real reason this happens is that they’re afraid of admitting the terrible truth: Trump was an idiot and Biden’s genius makes that all too obvious.

Conservatives Have Always Had an Intelligence Problem

We know from the last few decades that something has been wrong with conservatives in this country. Whether they’re republican, libertarian, or “independent,” they refuse to listen to diverse voices and the country has suffered because of it.

Electing Trump was the death-knell on their sensibility: an elderly white male of the elite class? That’s one way to keep the patriarchy going.

But I guess that’s the point. Biden is a threat to conservative ideology because he promotes diversity among his staff and in this country. Ridiculing him is the only way to protect their ideal of a white nationalist country.

The Projection of Conservative Inferiority

People tend to vote for leaders that represent who they are. For conservatives, they chose Trump for a lot of reasons, but the most frustrating one is that he’s a stubborn buffoon.

Many conservative voters had become upset by republicans attempting to reach across the aisle and embrace more progressive policies, so they wanted to elect someone who wouldn’t dare work with democrats. It was, in essence, a political coup even before January 6.

Trump was easy to control by white men. All they had to do was inflate his ego with their attention and he’d do whatever they wanted.

But Biden listens to experts, not toadies that he brought in to make him feel like the king. And those experts are diverse people from all walks of life, not rich white men.

So conservatives did the only natural thing: they projected the weaknesses of Trump onto Biden.

Conservatives Want to Control the President

One of the best things about the Biden presidency is that he doesn’t spend all his time on social media. This means he’s not capitulating to the demands of petulant radicals.

And it’s driving conservatives crazy.

They’re used to being able to use hashtags and media coverage to sway the mind of the president, but that’s not happening anymore. So their tactic to impugn the intelligence of the president has a different goal: to control his staff.

Conservatives know that Biden isn’t listening to them, but they hope that they can use their presence on social media to bully the federal government. If they can cast enough doubt on his fitness to be president, then maybe, just maybe, his staff will begin to not trust him and even leak silly gaffes for social media fame.

This is scary folks. We have a bunch of conservative bullies on the internet trying to manipulate our government!

Don’t Let the Conservatives in Your Life Off the Hook

Until big tech does something about the misinformation from conservative radicals, you have a responsibility to teach the people in your life not to fall to their level.

Have an uncle that posts a status on Facebook that takes Biden out of context? Inform them of the truth. Don’t be gentle — make sure they know you’re disappointed in their falling to radicalism. It’s the only way to get them to change. They should be scared to lose your good opinion. You don’t owe someone supporting harmful ideology anything.

But it’s also important to check out the social media accounts of your local news. Conservatives really like to spread disinformation there and it can really catch on quickly. That’s where the conspiracy theories thrive. Make sure you don’t let their words go unchallenged.

The only way to stop conservative misinformation is to call it out every time.

